Advance curve for VW TypeIV
 Public Forums   Commencé par Stephen Birch   2022-04-12 18:56:52 +02:00   Commentaires: 3    Vu: 3867

  1. Stephen Birch
    Stephen Birch Member
    I’ve a VW Baywindow 1979.  With a 2ltr Type IV engine, running twin Webber ICTs.
    Currently running a 009 style dizzy.
    It should have a vacuum advance dizzy, so looking at your VW-R-V product.
    If I was to use a 123 product, which should I got for to fit a type iv engine?   
    And which advance curve should I use?  It’s not clear form the manual.
    Generic curve 0 I assume, unless you say otherwise.

    Stephen Birch, 2022-04-12 18:56:52 +02:00
  2. Leen APK
    Leen APK Administrator Membre du staff

    the 123-4-r-v can be used, i suggest advance curve 0.

    Kind regards, Leen
    Leen APK, 2022-04-15 09:48:05 +02:00
  3. Tim Adriaanse
    Tim Adriaanse Member
    Hi Leen,
    is this the same for a 2 liter CU engine? Also curve 0?
    Tim Adriaanse, 2022-07-05 11:13:29 +02:00
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